Morphun Hi-Qube Ranges
Morphun are delighted to announce Hi-Qube, their newest and youngest age construction product. Price lists and first shipments will be available from Spring 2018.
This set is easier for younger ages than Morphun Starter as it leaves out the sliding side joiner. In line with our target that sets have educational value for at least 4 age groups, this set will entertain children as young as 30 months, well as challenge 6 year olds.
We have created cubes and prisms with studs on up to three sides that join to Morphun and other brick products. Unlike traditional studded bricks products Hi-Qube is multi-directional in build not just vertical, has wheels and axles, and has loads of instructions for models. Pre-School sets are supplied with instruction levels 1-4 and Kindergarten instruction levels 1-6. All sets will also include optional part or full Guide book.
Hi-Qube sets will also transform what you can do with your old stock of traditional bricks.
The Pre-School range is out simplest range available. It is designed for ages 2 1/2 to 4, with simplified instruction from levels 1 to 4. Therefore no wheels axles or joiners mean easier manipulative skill levels for this young age group.
See Hi-Qube Pre-School sets
The Kindergarten range is designed for ages 2 1/2 to 6. It adds wheels, axles, extra cubes, triangle shapes and joiners to the Pre-School set. 4 sections of guides come loose or bound, building on the same same first 3 sections from Pre-School.
See Hi-Qube Kindergarten sets
1. Much Higher in creativity possibilities
2. High in IQ development potential
3. A Quality product
4. Better as it is fun and creative for kids ages 21/2 -6
5. Makes circles and curves
6. Allows wheels to be added
7. Suits many ages up to 6 years
8. Excellent range of instructions
9. Huge optional guide book
10. Optional face stickers and emoticons